Ceramic Cup Competition
Proposals for Ceramic Cups to be used in the ‘Welcome by Tea’ ritual at the 2023 Australian Tea Cultural Seminar
Competition Entries and Re-entries for 2023

Submissions for the 2021 AUSTCS cup open in March!
We invite potter submissions for the design and subsequent production of a ceramic cup to be used in the ‘Welcome by Tea’ ritual of the 5th Australian Tea Cultural Seminar to be held in Brisbane on 11-12 September 2021.
Who are Australian Tea Cultural Society (AUSTCS)?
The Australian Tea Cultural Society (AUSTCS) is an organisation that runs events to support the development of tea culture in Australia. Our vision is to promote a distinctive Australian tea culture at a local and international level. We endeavour to achieve this by bringing together the tea community to foster its development until it is recognised and accepted in Australia and abroad.
What is the ‘Welcome by Tea’ ritual?
Welcome by Tea is an opening ceremony ritual performed by volunteer tea brewers to greet seminar delegates. Brewers select a tea that reflects their personality or business and invite delegates to sit and enjoy drinking from the gift cups provided by AUSTCS.
Potter to be commissioned to produce approximately 50 cups (need to have capacity to produce up to100 if required) to be showcased during ‘The Welcome by Tea’ ritual for the 5th annual Seminar.
Open to all artists who are residents of Australia
National media coverage
The 2020 Seminar was conducted digitally attracting tea enthusiast and tea industry members both nationally and internationally
Artist opportunities include artist talks, interviews, presentation, networking and attendance at the 2021 Australian Tea Cultural Seminar as well as involvement in the Welcome by Tea ritual.

15 March 2021 Submissions Open
15 March 2021 Submissions Open
Your submission
The ceramic cup
The cup needs to be fully functional capable of holding hot tea (100ËšC)
The volume of the cup needs to measure approximately 80ml capacity (+/-10% variation) capacity
The size and dimensions of the cup are to fit within a box with internal measurements of 8cm (H) X 8cm (L) X 8cm (W)
The cup is to incorporate ‘Australian Tea Cultural Seminar 2021’ or ‘AUSTCS 2021’ into the design. This year we require sample cups to include this element. Cups that have not included this element will be ineligible. The only exception will be for selected artists from the prior year competition who are invited to re-submit their entries.
The winning submission will be required to produce approximately 50-60 cups (but have the capabilities to produce 100 if required) to be completed by 4 June 2021. The exact number will be confirmed at the time of notifying the winning proposal.
A sample of the ceramic cup is to be submitted with your written proposal
The budgeted production cost for each cup must be included within your written proposal. The cost of each ceramic cup costs should not exceed $20
The submission needs to be accompanied by the submission form submitted via the AUSTCS website at https://www.austcs.org/cup-competition.
Please submit all images of the Ceramic cups to info@austcs.org
Are the AUSTCS seminars mainly business events?No! AUSTCS is open to all members of the Australian community. We hope the events we host will be filled with a good cross-section of enthusiasts, tea businesses and members of the community who have a connection or passion to see the development of a recognisable Australian tea culture. Without tea enthusiasts, there is no tea community.
Can I volunteer?Yes! AUSTCS is a voluntary run organisation and so we are always looking for new people to volunteer. In 2024 we particularly need your help, your skills, your time, to make a real difference to this unique organisation and its future sustainability. If you're interested in volunteering, drop us an email: info@austcs.org
Will the Members annual general meeting (AGM) be held at the Seminar?No. AUSTCS now holds the AGM online, making it easier for those members who are not attending a seminar to still be involved and vote. All AUSTCS members will receive an email notification of the AGM, its time, date and private link for access. This email will be constitute your invitation.
Will there be a seminar or event held in 2024?No. Although, having said no AUSTCS will continue to support and promote members who wish to arrange events during 2024. Let's also not forget International Tea Day (ITD) which is held on the 21st May each year. AUSTCS will certainly be getting behind the day, as well as the promotion and support of any ITD events in Australia. Let us know if you have a tea related event or an ITD Tea Party planned. Contact info@austcs.org
What is happening with AUSTCS?At the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM). Those members who attended passed a motion which allows for a one year break from a regular AUSTCS year. Two Directors Amanda Low and David Lyons are investigating new ways for AUSTCS to move forward into the future. Amanda and David are also looking for volunteer assistance from you. Maybe you have skills, time or willingness to help them with this task. If so contact them info@austcs.org Make 2024 a positive year for yourself and AUSTCS!
Terms and conditions
The shape of the ceramic cup is the choice of the artist. The type of clay to be used is the choice of the artist. The colour, glaze and finish of the ceramic cup is the choice of the artist. There are no preferences for a handled or non-handled cup. The artist may choose to design a single cup or a collection of cups as part of their proposal.
The submission will be awarded to the potter that best meets the requirements as judged by an appointed panel of judges.
The cost of freight to Brisbane for the initial sample cup submission will be at the artist’s expense. The shipping location for the winning cup will be confirmed with the awarded artist. AUSTCS will investigate the options for transportation to this location and any shipping costs will be to the expense of AUSTCS.
Joint submissions are allowed but all artists need to be properly acknowledged in the submission.
Your ceramic cup will be used in the ‘Welcome by Tea’ ritual and your proposal should be comprehensive and include the required information outlined below. Should your submission not include this important documentation it may be deemed non-conforming and may not be eligible for consideration.
All sample cups will be displayed at the Seminar giving attendees an opportunity to see, touch and admire all submission potter’s work.
Please identify if you require your sample to be returned after the 2021 seminar. Return of sample cups will be at the artists expense.
An online submission form must be received by 21 May 2021. We will be accepting the sample cups via post through to the 28 May. The address will be sent to you once you have completed your online submission.
Your submission must include a completed work and should include clear and comprehensive support documentation including:
the shape, dimension and capacity of the ceramic cup
the clay to be used
Suitability for dishwashing and cleaning and any specific care instructions
Budgeted cost per cup
Further information on AUSTCS and the Australian Tea Cultural Seminar can be found online at www.austcs.org
Submissions for the 2023 AUSTCS cup competition are closed now!
We invite potter submissions for the design and subsequent production of a ceramic cup to be used in the ‘Welcome by Tea’ ritual at the Australian Tea Cultural Seminar held in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane (date TBC).
Who are Australian Tea Cultural Society (AUSTCS)?
The Australian Tea Cultural Society (AUSTCS) is an organisation that runs events to support the development of tea culture in Australia. Our vision is to bring together the tea community to promote a distinctive Australian tea culture at a local and international level.
What is the ‘Welcome by Tea’ ritual?
Welcome by Tea is an opening ceremony ritual performed by volunteer tea brewers to greet seminar delegates. Brewers select a tea that reflects their personality or business and invite delegates to sit and enjoy drinking from their own 2023 AUSTCS Cup.
Potter to be commissioned to produce approximately 120 cups (need to have capacity to produce up to 160 if required) to be showcased during ‘The Welcome by Tea’ ritual at the AUSTCS seminar.
Open to all artists who are residents of Australia
National media coverage
Artist opportunities include artist talks, interviews, presentation, networking and attendance at one or all of the 2023 Australian Tea Cultural Seminars (Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane) as well as involvement in the Welcome by Tea ritual.

Timeline for the Ceramic Cup Competition
13 March: Launch of 2023 Ceramics Cup Competition.
15 May: Competition closes. Thank you and stay tuned until announcement at end of month.
Week of 22 May: Judging of cups.
29 May: Winner announced.
13 March 2023
15 May 2023
29 May 2023
Awarding of
ceramic cup
7 August 2023
Cup Production
to be finalised
Your submission
The ceramic cup
The cup needs to be fully functional capable of holding hot tea (100ËšC).
The volume of the cup needs to measure approximately 80ml capacity (+/-10% variation) capacity.
The size and dimensions of the cup are to fit within a box with internal measurements of 8cm (H) X 8cm (L) X 8cm (W).
The cup is to incorporate ‘Australian Tea Cultural Seminar 2023’ or ‘AUSTCS 2023’ into the design. We require sample cups to include this element. Cups that have not included this element will be ineligible. The only exception will be for selected artists from the prior year competition who are invited to re-submit their entries.
The winning submission will be required to produce approximately 120 cups (but have the capabilities to produce 160 if required) to be completed by 7 August 2023. The exact number will be confirmed after the winning potter has been announced.
A sample of the ceramic cup is to be submitted with your written proposal.
The budgeted production cost for each cup must be included within your written proposal. The cost of each ceramic cup costs should not exceed $20.
The submission needs to be accompanied by the submission form submitted via the AUSTCS website at https://www.austcs.org/cup-competition.
Please submit all images of the Ceramic cups to info@austcs.org
Are the AUSTCS seminars mainly business events?No! AUSTCS is open to all members of the Australian community. We hope the events we host will be filled with a good cross-section of enthusiasts, tea businesses and members of the community who have a connection or passion to see the development of a recognisable Australian tea culture. Without tea enthusiasts, there is no tea community.
Can I volunteer?Yes! AUSTCS is a voluntary run organisation and so we are always looking for new people to volunteer. In 2024 we particularly need your help, your skills, your time, to make a real difference to this unique organisation and its future sustainability. If you're interested in volunteering, drop us an email: info@austcs.org
Will the Members annual general meeting (AGM) be held at the Seminar?No. AUSTCS now holds the AGM online, making it easier for those members who are not attending a seminar to still be involved and vote. All AUSTCS members will receive an email notification of the AGM, its time, date and private link for access. This email will be constitute your invitation.
Will there be a seminar or event held in 2024?No. Although, having said no AUSTCS will continue to support and promote members who wish to arrange events during 2024. Let's also not forget International Tea Day (ITD) which is held on the 21st May each year. AUSTCS will certainly be getting behind the day, as well as the promotion and support of any ITD events in Australia. Let us know if you have a tea related event or an ITD Tea Party planned. Contact info@austcs.org
What is happening with AUSTCS?At the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM). Those members who attended passed a motion which allows for a one year break from a regular AUSTCS year. Two Directors Amanda Low and David Lyons are investigating new ways for AUSTCS to move forward into the future. Amanda and David are also looking for volunteer assistance from you. Maybe you have skills, time or willingness to help them with this task. If so contact them info@austcs.org Make 2024 a positive year for yourself and AUSTCS!
Terms and conditions
The shape of the ceramic cup is the choice of the artist. The type of clay to be used is the choice of the artist. The colour, glaze and finish of the ceramic cup is the choice of the artist. There are no preferences for a handled or non-handled cup. The artist may choose to design a single cup or a collection of cups as part of their proposal.
The submission will be awarded to the potter that best meets the requirements as judged by an appointed panel of judges.
The cost of freight to NSW for the initial sample cup submission will be at the artist’s expense. The shipping location for the winning cup will be confirmed with the awarded artist. AUSTCS will investigate the options for transportation to this location and any shipping costs will be to the expense of AUSTCS.
Joint submissions are allowed but all artists need to be properly acknowledged in the submission.
Your ceramic cup will be used in the ‘Welcome by Tea’ ritual and your proposal should be comprehensive and include the required information outlined below. Should your submission not include this important documentation it may be deemed non-conforming and may not be eligible for consideration.
All sample cups will be displayed at the Seminar giving attendees an opportunity to see, touch and admire all submission potter’s work.
Please identify if you require your sample to be returned after the 2023 seminar. Return of sample cups will be at the artists expense.
An online submission form must be received by 15 May 2023. We will be accepting the sample cups via post through to the 19 May. The address will be sent to you once you have completed your online submission.
Your submission must include a completed work and should include clear and comprehensive support documentation including:
the shape, dimension and capacity of the ceramic cup
the clay to be used
Suitability for dishwashing and cleaning and any specific care instructions
Budgeted cost per cup
Further information on AUSTCS and the Australian Tea Cultural Seminar can be found online at www.austcs.org